It’s the best time since antiquity to be a man. Especially for a guy who is afflicted with hair loss, and finds extra follicles on the face cloth and fewer on his head. Don’t roll those eyes — that’s a lot of men.

The balding boys are not silver-haired geezers shown in advertisements either. Approximately 25% of guys with male pattern baldness start sprinkling hair before they can purchase booze at 21. Check out the latest Hims hair kit reviews for a peek at what millennials are rushing to buy.

So, how come things are on an upswing for this silently suffering society? Two reasons:

  • Changes to telemedicine laws, and
  • Patents are expiring

Both work together to make it easier — and less expensive — to raise hair, or at least retain what you have.


Thanks to some renewed rules, nearly 80% of states authorize businesses to offer telehealth technology, which doesn’t mandate in-person visits to the physician. The same laws allow for insurance reimbursement. This is big news seeing that, until recently, insurers resisted paying for the service for years. Insurers argued the laws aren’t clear as to what counted as a telehealth visit.

Many carriers saw a rising demand and changed their tune. Insurers also saw the benefits of allowing their rural customers to access services which may have been impossible to reach. Over the past twelve months, every state, except Massachusetts and Connecticut, has changed the law regarding the delivery of telehealthcare. In most states, a person can now get a prescription merely by answering a short survey online.

Expiring Patents

As drugs fall in price when moved from exclusion distributorship to a generic form, more people pick up the over-the-counter sort. That happened to Pfizer, and their patent on Viagra expires in 2020. Several years ago, Pfizer reached a deal with drugmaker Teva Pharmaceuticals, which permitted Teva to kick off a copycat form of the erectile dysfunction drug in December.


hims is also moving in the same direction, just as other drug corporations are selling generic versions. Starting with hair products clustered around prescription medicines is making it easier and the drugs cheaper to get. For example, request a $40 pack from hims and get finasteride in tablet form. Finasteride treats male pattern hair loss

Running 4.5 stars out of five, hims reviews are helping to push the company into the stratosphere as more familiar products are sold under the hims label.

hims customers will find in their kit minoxidil, which used to be marketed solely by Johnson and Johnson as Rogaine. Not surprising, the products come in an elegant and sustainable packaging system which is a priority for millennials.

Hair loss is the starting point for the startup. Incubated in San Francisco, hims just closed on $7 million in funding from Thrive Capital and similar businesses.

If hims can offer the products for less than the cost of a physician’s visit, the better. Expect the same from other startups looking for the same opportunity, and users may be flooded by companies pushing the male equivalent of a Goop or Glossier.