Having your own personal style takes time and effort. It usually includes lots of trial and error until you find the kind of look you like. For men, it can be a bit tougher to do this, especially in the professional world, where you are expected to wear suits. This, however, can be resolved by choosing to mix and match your suits. We will take a look at why this is something to consider.

Unique Look

Most men shop for suits in stores, not having the time or funds to get bespoke ones made. This can mean that a lot of people have the same suits which can be frustrating if you want to stand out of the crowd. If you want to have a unique look, then mixing and matching suits can be a great way to do so. Different cuts, fabric options, colours, and textures can create an entirely new look that you can enjoy. You can also be sure that no one will be wearing the same thing as you. For men who hate going to a party or event and seeing someone wearing the same thing they are, this is a great option.

By mixing and matching suits, you are expanding your wardrobe. You will have many more clothing options to turn to without having to spend more money. Just having a few different dress shirts to pair with two different suit jackets can offer lots of variety. Add to that a couple of different pant styles, and you are set. Why spend tons of money buying complete suits, when you can create your own that no one else will have?

Why You Should Mix Match Your Suits


 It has happened to most men that they love the way one part of a suit fits but the other part does not quite work. By mixing and matching, you can find the perfect look every time. If you like a suit jacket but not with the pants the suit comes with, find another option for those pants while still enjoying the jacket. Allow yourself to get the perfect fit each time by adjusting and swapping pieces from different suits.

More Relaxed Look

Many times a suit is required but you do not want to be too formal. Mixing and matching suit pieces can create a more relaxed look without forgoing style. This can make a huge difference in how people perceive you, so keep it in mind. This is one of the most important reasons why men are turning more and more to buying suit separates and then mixing them and matching them.

If you want to at least double your wardrobe without spending another cent, consider mixing and matching your suits. You will not only look great, but you will also have a unique look that other people will notice. You do not have to wear the same old suits. Instead, consider turning to create your own complete look by swapping jacket and pants.

Why You Should Mix Match Your Suits