Stubborn Men – Attitudes Towards Fashion

Stubborn Men – Attitudes Towards Fashion

Hugh Dancy, British male actor

Stubborn Men

For years now I questioned men’s fashion and how little they embrace it. I immediately ponder to myself; Why are they not taking the time to consider what they are wearing? Has that man even looked in the mirror before he stepped out into the public eye? Each time I talk to a man whose clothes and shoes have seen better days, I hear a common pattern emerging among them and their attitude towards fashion. I’m noticing that the average man has what I call – fashion phobia syndrome. In a nutshell, a lot of men are not taking the time or effort to try and look as good as they could. In fact, the attitude men have towards this is disconcerting and I will share with you the reasons why.

Men Style Fashion – OUR MESSAGE

Those that have known me for a long time, know that I’ve always drawn attention in public; merely by the way, I dress. Yes, I’ve made an effort to look the best wherever possible. I’m an extrovert and my fashion mission for men is always approached with gusto and a one-track mindset. Which is; to encourage and challenge any man to look their very best. Whether he is single or in a relationship, young or old – the challenge is clear. Gentlemen, take the time to present yourself to your maximum potential.

African man, wearing grey suit

The Pub

I find that my most powerful make-overs happen when I meet the person in their own habitat. For example, your stereotypical British pub-goer. So I head in, appropriately dressed mainly in black – not too intimidating but certainly with the intention to get the men noticing what I am wearing. I’ve spotted my mission, there are some men who are in desperate need of a fashion make-over. I wave, they think they’ve scored positive attention from this well dressed, European looking chick, with an Ozzie accent. Within a few minutes, I’m getting compliments about my dress sense and the door of opportunity is open.

I simply ask: How much effort did you take to look this way? Did you look in the mirror and ask yourself; is this the best I can look? The mood changes and they know, this encounter is not going to be what they expected. I quickly determine who is in a relationship, so as to investigate the mindset behind the stubborn man.

Men dressed poorly drinking beer

Take the men in the above photo. Are they well dressed? You will see that their jeans are too big and their tops definitely need updating… or incinerating.


Men drinking in a British pub

Remember gentlemen! No matter where you are, you should look your best every at all times!

Men in Relationships

Whether it’s out for dinner or in a bar I am not happy with what I am seeing amongst a select group of men in relationships. I simply ask if they are happy with the way their partners look. In most circumstances, their faces light up and they are proud to announce that their partner enjoys looking good, trying new trends and primping themselves. I’m straight to the point and ask; Does their partner feel the same about the way that they dress and look?  The common replies I get are:

I’m in a relationship, I don’t need to make an effort

Putting effort into the way you present yourself speaks volumes. It can give a clear message to your loved ones and your attitude towards the relationship you are in. The effort you make can state how important they are to you. Most partners are always complaining to me about how sloppy their loved one looks and how little effort they put into their image. In most cases this is said with a lot of frustration, anger and sometimes even tears. Go and ask your partner what they think of your physical and fashion presence and more importantly act upon their answer.

The number of divorces throughout the EU is on the increase, with an average of 1.8 divorces for every 1,000 people. But in Britain and in Finland the rate is 2.8 divorces per 1,000, compared with just 0.6 per 1,000 in Luxembourg. I think that one important factor to the demise of a relationship is a partners lack of interest in taking pride in their image for their other-half.

Maria Scard Photography

Here is an example of a couple still in love after 20 years – they always dress well for each other because they respect and appreciate each other’s wishes.

Too Old

“I’ve come to an age, where I do not need to make an effort”. The majority of men that I am talking to are in their forties. Being forty is far from old. This mindset is absurd. Most men are achieving so much in their forties. This is an age where the majority of us are just starting to feel grown-up. Check out the latest photo-shoot with, Denzel Washington for GQ magazine. How amazing does he look? He was born December 28, 1954! That makes him 58 years old. You don’t have to look 10 years older than you are!

Food for thought. Affairs don’t just happen they are premeditated. What is the common message your partner keeps relaying to you about how you look? Take note and act upon what they are saying. Fashion needs to be embraced by every man no matter what his age may be.

Denzel Washington, GQ magazine 2012

Denzel Washington – C.O of GQ Magazine

Can’t be Bothered (Too Lazy)

Can you believe this lazy attitude or maybe it’s another contributing factor? Depression in men is regularly ignored. Men are twice as likely to have their depression written off as nothing more than “feeling a little low” compared to women, according to a study of our attitudes to mental health. Another study from Malaysia found men tending to cite specific reasons for feeling low, such as not having a girlfriend or having an unsatisfying job, rather than admitting to depression.

Dressing well is a perfect starting point in attracting positive attention towards yourself, let alone your current or future partner.

depressed men 2012 - daily telegraph

MenStyleFashion – The Mission for 2013 and Beyond

We do judge a book by its cover initially. This is why I began writing for this on-line male MANgaZINE. To encourage and challenge any man, at any age. Looking good is one of the key factors for positive living. Whether you are in a relationship or not, fashion for men has never looked this good. With so many labels out there and the various costs of clothing, everyone can afford to look good. Gentlemen, you should be so excited about what awaits you in 2013, on a fashion front. There is nothing more endearing to the public, then when a man takes care of his appearance. So the next time you step out into the public eye, ask yourself;

What message am I giving out by what I am wearing?

Chunky scarves, for men 2012

The message is clear; he is cool, confident, well dressed and has a lot of self-respect. First impressions count.

About The Author

Gracie Opulanza

Global menswear and luxury lifestyle journalist. Co-founder and editor in chief of Men Style Fashion. is my personal blog. Protection Status

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