Guns ‘N Roses – Rock Fashion Is Coming Back For 2013

Guns ‘N Roses – Rock Fashion Is Coming Back For 2013

Guns 'N Roses - Rock Fashion

Axl Rose, the lead Singer of Guns ‘N Roses, apparently loves any kind of Fashion Week.

Guns ‘N Roses 1990’s Fashion Tour

When it comes to his own fashion arena. He seems more content than ever to wait for the public’s taste to swing back in his favor. Will Guns ‘N Roses  revive  the leather and studs, borderline matrix jacket trend? Will the 90’s hair of tease return and that November Rain epic red military jacket hit the high streets of rock fashion? Which designer could revolutionize the rock fashion?

Axl Rose proven earlier this year at the Roseland Ballroom, that he sticks to his bombastic outmoded brand of rock and roll. He feels no need to modernise it. It is fitting that in the current ’90s revival dominating runways and rock ’n’ roll, he again refuses to adapt to the rough-hewn form of rock now in vogue. He feels no need to modernise it. It is like that which dethroned him in 1992 when Nirvana made Guns N’ Roses’s decadence seem hopelessly uncool. Why should he change anyway?

Gareth Pugh

For me the rock fashion designer who can create a refreshing collection is the genius, Gareth Pugh. The British designer creates collections that are made for on and off the stage. His great lamb leather jacket which is made of geometric lines and asymmetrical zips is a perfect example of rock fashion. Gareth is a master of costume style collections and his angular cuts and block prints just rocks for men.

He uses many different fabrics such as  furriness and fringing in multiple variations.  His indefinable silhouette, designs and snakeskin materials on  jersey backings are all examples of what makes rock fashion so desirable even now. Bring on the knee high studded boots, the matrix jackets and long hair for men.

If you want the rock star look with a cool edgy style? Then have a look at what Gareth wore this week at the Royal Academy Summer exhibition and be inspired. Axl you would rock in this jacket.

Watch this, no matter what obstacles you have it’s no excuse. Pursue your dreams.

Bridge School News Network 04/04/13

[youtube id=”5OtCewdnD8k” width=”100%” height=”500px”]


Gareth Pugh, 2012 collection mens

Gareth Pugh, at Royal Academy Summer exhibition this week


NAT WELLER, 2012 rock star fashion

Neil Weller,at Royal Academy Summer exhibition this week


gareth pugh guns n roses inspired rock fashion

Gareth Pugh, leather jacket


military mens, guns n roses inspired rock fashion

Military Jacket, is so Guns N Roses


matrix leather jacket by Garteh Pugh

Get the rock star look with Gareth Pugh


Create your own Rock star look with Gareth Pugh

Create your own Rock star look


Moonspell, Alfa Noir Omega White 2012 advertising campagne


Axl Rose: “I have been in Guns N’ Roses for half my life.”

[youtube id=”8SbUC-UaAxE” width=”100%” height=”500px”]

About The Author

Gracie Opulanza

Global menswear and luxury lifestyle journalist. Co-founder and editor in chief of Men Style Fashion. is my personal blog. Protection Status

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