First Job after Graduation – Tips on What Fashion To Wear

First Job after Graduation – Tips on What Fashion To Wear

After graduating I found a lot of younger males tend to adopt what the business world dictates. Mostly this is out of fear, wanting to fit in, and in some cases, they have not got a clue. Budget can also be an issue. So you’ve landed your first job, well done. You’re the new rookie and you have to prove yourself on many levels. Regarding your suit, what do you wear? Make sure you understand the basic dress codes were at the place you are working.

Take the Risk

If it’s a balanced company then they will allow you time for growth. However, it’s important you dress your age and be remembered for all the right reasons. I am noticing that younger guys are buying suits that are generally too big. It’s a sign that they’ve borrowed the suit, got it given or bought it without any guidance whatsoever. Topman in Oxford street does freestyling. So if you can I would head there it’s a perfect starting point to guide you in the right suit direction. ZARA and H.E by MANGO are solid choices for buying your first new suit. You can walk out here with a complete outfit. If you shop smart you can buy a suit on sale for as low as £25 and it is timeless.

Grey, Dark Blue or Black & Tight

You can’t generally go wrong here with those choices. The tight-fitting suits are perfect, it has an updated image about it and in most cases spot on. Take a mate who is honest and won’t hold back sharing his or her views about your suits. Start with the jacket only. The reason being you need to figure out what style suits your body shape. Try on as many jackets possible, not all brand suits are for everyone. This is one of the keys in working out what looks good on you. The label can make all the difference. Don’t rush your purchase if you are unsure then walking out of the store is a smart move. Go and think about it, walk back in and try the same suits on again. Honestly, your first gut instinct in most cases is spot on. I wouldn’t spend too much cash on your first suit because you may find you don’t like it. Always good to put a stop loss on your first purchase.


It’s in the detail that people will remember you by when it comes to suit fashion. Whether it be your tie, handkerchief or even a bracelet don’t be afraid to add your own personal touch. Your ties can represent so much of what you are about. Your shoes these days don’t need to be simply black. There are gorgeous shoes out there for men. Take the time to explore. Selfridges have a huge amount for you to choose by.


H.E Mango grey suits for men 2013

HE BY MANGO men's SHOES 2013

H.E Mango checkered grey suit for men 2013

If your work would not allow this you certainly could split the two pieces into completely different outfits.

Business suits for graduates 2013

H.E Mango shirt with tie


Zara man - blue suits for 2013

This colour blazer is great for spring and summer

zara man - grey suit from zara 2013


Topman 2013 suits for men - three piece grey

Add a different colour tie to this three-piece

Man walking with slim looking briefcase

Olly Clarke photography

Grey top, floral ties and tight fitted trousers

Your tie shows a fraction of your personality

Grey top, striped tie white red

Mans Bag for business always look impressive

Mans Bag for business always look impressive

Suits for men 2013

suits for graduates 2013

What business message are you giving out?

About The Author

Gracie Opulanza

Global menswear and luxury lifestyle journalist. Co-founder and editor in chief of Men Style Fashion. is my personal blog. Protection Status

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