Dating Anxiety – How CBD Can Improve Your Love Life

Dating Anxiety – How CBD Can Improve Your Love Life

Do you suffer from anxiety before a date or a big conversation with your partner? Feel that anxiety no more with CBD products that can improve your love life.

Let’s face it: anxiety sucks. Especially before a date or an important conversation with your partner. Anxiety can help us cope with things we otherwise feel threatened by but romantically, it’s still a buzz kill.

Left unmanaged and anxiety can negatively impact our work and our health. Oftentimes leading to other anxiety-related disorders. Big Pharma has drugs on the market like Prozac and Zoloft to combat anxiety but there’s a popular alternative: CBD oil.


If you are still new to CBD, getting a better understanding of the CBD definition can help.

Evidence suggests CBD oil for anxiety is experimental but beneficial. When distributed as needed, it’s safe, well-received and proven to treat many anxiety-related disorders.

The natural plant-based oil contains cannabinoids or plant chemicals. Our bodies naturally produce these when we are feeling relaxed or euphoric. We also release cannabinoids while we sleep and exercise. It’s also known in Sanskrit as the “bliss molecule”.

Research also shows that CBD oil can stop anandamide in our bodies from breaking down. The more anandamide we retain, the more bliss we feel.

Time to finally say: “Anxiety no more”!

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Finally, Anxiety No More

CBD for anxiety can take the pressure off your relationships and your body. CBD’s anti-anxiety properties can reduce inflammation that causes pain in the body.

While marijuana for anxiety is more complex, CBD oil for anxiety is simpler to wrap your mind around.

WHO (World Health Organization) hasn’t classified it as a medication but advocates that there is no evidence of any negative effects of CBD oil.

Anxiety is commonly intertwined with stress, as it makes life difficult and debilitating. CBD oil combats that stress in an attempt to rebalance the flow of our bodies. Something that modern medicine to treat anxiety often fails to do.

Common side effects of the medicine used to treat different anxiety disorders include:

  • Sleepiness/Drowsiness
  • Dizziness/Vertigo
  • Poor Balance
  • Lack of Coordination
  • Concentration and Memory Difficulties
  • Slurred Speech
  • Upset Stomach/Digestion Issues
  • Headaches
  • Confusion
  • Blurred Vision

Stress can be an overwhelming beast. But consulting with a medical professional and asking any questions you may have about meds for stress and/or anxiety can help. If you feel comfortable discussing CBD oil to your doctor too, go for it!

CBD Oil IS Legal

CBD made from hemp is legal in the U.S. CBD doesn’t contain an effective amount of THC. There aren’t any psychoactive effects so there aren’t any legal concerns about it.

There are products made with micro amounts of CBD oil on the shelves of many companies. From gummy vitamins to body lotions, getting your hands on CBD is possible.

In the state of Pennsylvania, for example, you will need your Pennsylvania medical marijuana card before making a legal purchase. In other legal states, you may also need a doctor’s written approval before purchasing any CBD edibles or products.

But for the most out of CBD oil, ask your doctor for a high-quality version and take the prescribed dosage.

Don’t worry about failing any drug tests either.

Since CBD oil has basically no THC, it isn’t very likely you’d screen positive on any urine drug tests. It’s still important to buy CBD from nutraceutical companies manufacturing from a wider selection of hemp with the lowest THC.

Different CBD Consumption Methods

The number of ways to safely add CBD oil to your system is growing.

So you’ve done your research, identified your anxiety and have your pure CBD oil in hand. Now how long does it take for CBD oil to work?

On average: fifteen-thirty minutes!

CBD oil can take anywhere between 15-30 minutes before it reaches the bloodstream to do its magic. This may not be the same for everyone. The time it takes before feeling the effects of CBD oil can vary significantly from person to person.

It depends on how the CBD is processed, the supplement’s strength, whether or not you’ve eaten, etc. Cheaper CBD oil isn’t designed to fully absorb into the bloodstream and can take much longer to feel an effect.

A higher quality CBD oil or supplement is faster-acting and provides effects you will actually feel.

One of the most popular methods to supplement CBD is with sublingual oil. Instead of passing through your digestive system or liver, a few drops of oil are absorbed underneath the tongue. You’ll feel the effects of this between 15-25 minutes.

A topical balm rubbed directly onto the body does wonder for sore muscles or stiff joints. The CBD diffuses through lipids, giving it complete access to the cells in that area. This method can take longer (up to 45 minutes) but is relieving once it kicks in.

CBD  caps and edibles can take over 30 minutes to feel anything. There’s gummies, capsules, chocolates, drinks, etc. but aren’t recommended for fast relief. Be sure to check for CBD ratios and strength in the list of ingredients as well.

And vapes provides the fastest results by entering the bloodstream through the lungs. By vaping, the CBD oil takes effect within 5-10 minutes. The downside to this is the other toxic chemical compounds that can harm your lungs.

Using CBD Oil To Improve Your Relationships

CBD oil can often help rebuild intimacy between you and others. This works especially well if you’ve hit a rough patch with your partner or when life starts feeling a bit gloomy. Having a healthy, intimate relationship will also combat anxiety.

If you’re looking to spice up your romantic life, CBD oil can also heighten your sensuality. CBD oil is proven to intensify your senses which can lead to better physical, mental and emotional stability. It also can increase your arousal.

Another way to improve your relationship through CBD oil is by leaning into its calming effects. Sometimes the most profound conversations can come from the relaxing effects of CBD.

Using CBD oil can help break down mental and emotional barriers keeping you from connecting with your partner. It elicits feelings of ease and comfort. You become open to newer ideas and possibilities. It’ll bring out a much more loving, mellow side of you.

It can help you control any anxiety or emotions that are triggered in conversation. You may feel calmer and more open to hearing your partner’s perspective without judgment. This also means becoming more open and transparent which can lead to better trust and a stronger relationship.

How Safe Is CBD?

It looks to us that CBD is extraordinarily safe.

Unlike opioid drugs, CBD doesn’t threaten your health. It is FDA-approved to be tested on children with epilepsy, proving that both children and adults can use CBD safely. Its main effects are to relax the body and aid with pain which can be helpful for anyone, any age.

Medical research dated as far back as the 1960s supports the safety of CBD.

Average doses range from 10mg to 100mg a day. In one study, patients who “overdosed” with over 1,000mg of CBD a day saw no problem.

However, sometimes having the calming sensation that CBD oil provides can be off-putting. It may inadvertently cause you to feel anxious or worried instead of relaxed. It’s understandable and it too will pass.

You should always check with your doctor first before beginning any new medications or herbal methods, especially if you are already using any other medications.

Bottom Line

CBD oil has helped loads of people suffering from anxiety. Eliminate feelings of discomfort and irritability after introducing CBD to your lifestyle regimes. Anxiety can be crippling, causing us to suffer from mental, emotional and physical instabilities. And when you’re always stressed or anxious, you can’t maintain a healthy relationship.

When you feel calm, relaxed and balanced, you will welcome more positive and happy times. CBD oil can also help you sleep better, for those battling insomnia.

Not getting enough rest can make you unreasonably moody and cause your anxiety to feel even worse. While CBD can promote quality sleep so that you can have more positive interactions with your partner and others. These are the perfect qualities to have in a stable and healthy relationship.

Time to say anxiety no more! If you find yourself struggling with anxiety, insomnia or other health complications, you can consider this alternative medicine.

Rather than watching these issues impact your relationships, talk to your doctor about what your options are. And discuss any potential side effects with your physician before giving CBD oil a try! Protection Status

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