For most students, wearing casual and comfortable clothes for taking a test seems the best option. However, a study supports the opposite idea – when you are taking a test, you should wear official clothing.

The Study Results and Students’ Opinions Diverge

The study has demonstrated the close connection between wearing formal clothes and good performance during exams. It can be explained by the idea that students feel more concentrated on what they are doing and more responsible. This was also confirmed by Salman Doherty, who works at essay writing service, where you can find academic help. He emphasizes that formal dressing makes him more focused on his work. ” During my student years, I tried to dress in a formal style. But now I’m sometimes also a fan of working on Friday, for example, in jeans and a hoodie,” says Salman.

Nevertheless, a higher dress standard is not the most important thing students are thinking about before and during the exam. For example, BYU psychology student Deborah Warburton says that the most important thing for her is how to get prepared for the test. The preparation routine usually does not leave space for worrying about what to wear.

Warburton argues, “My routine is plain – I review everything, collect the materials I need and pray. I never think about what to wear. My priority is to feel comfortable, aware, and concentrated.’

BUY microbiology student Martin Campbell also doesn’t bother about his clothing. His priority is to find the time for going to the test centre and taking the test.

Campbell explains, “When I need to take a test, I do it directly after classes. So, I wear the things, I usually go to class in.”

However, the study’s findings, show that those students who wear formal clothes usually improve their scores in their tests. That happens not because these clothes help them remember the material more consistently but because they are more concentrated and can recall all the information faster. Warburton thinks that it’s correct to assume that diligent people who dress up for a test are more persistent in preparing for exams properly.

Campbell says that his personal experience supports the argument that when you are dressed professionally, it affects your performance at the test.

‘I seem to understand why it is a thing. Dressing up just helps your mind settle at the right spot.’ Campbell says. ‘I have practical training now, so I need to wear my shirt and tie almost every day. And I have noticed that, when I just wear a sweatshirt and jeans, my mindset is completely different from the days when I am to present my work in front of the audience wearing official clothes.’

Formal Clothes for Exams Come from Old Oxford Days

The idea of a special uniform for taking exams appeared at Oxford University in 1636. This uniform was called ‘subfusc’, and students had to wear a dark suit, black shoes, dark stockings or socks, and a plain white shirt or blouse. A long tie, bow tie, or ribbon were also obligatory elements of that clothing. Since many students complained about this rule, the university held the students’ vote in 2015 to keep or eliminate this uniform. Surprisingly, the vote supported wearing the uniform and it stayed.

The explanation of these vote results is simple – Oxford students feel special when they wear the uniform during their exams. They are more responsible, focused and strive to perform to the best of their abilities. The exam results are amazing.

However, some students at Oxford continue to argue that this uniform is anachronic and not comfortable at all. Opposing this idea, the 20-year-old Troy Warren says he wanted it to stay because all students are perceived and treated equally without considering their background. Such an opinion also makes sense, and it is quite persuasive.

BYU American studies student Mark Miller believes that he and his friends should think about dressing up for exams if they want to succeed in the future.

Miller says, ‘Next time when I am taking the test, I will probably dress up. I know now why so many people support this idea. That’s because it improves their test scores. So, if everyone is ready to invest their time and effort in their education and academic progress, even by wearing something special during exams, why should I not?’

So Many People, So Many Opinions

“Young people prefer to try something new rather than stick to the routines, of course.” says qualified essay writer Salman Doherty. Warburton, as a psychology student, argues that she wouldn’t like to change anything in her own routine because she needs these extra powers for making progress in her studies.

Warburton says, ‘My priority in clothing is that it should be fit and not annoying. Anything else does not matter, so there is no need to bother about that during the test.’

So, we can see that putting more effort into dressing up during the test does not seem an attractive option for some students. Nevertheless, Miller believes that putting on official clothes during exams is a healthy habit that is worth adopting.’

Miller says, ‘I guess that is a good idea for getting prepared for life outside the college. College time is unique because it allows you not to dress nicely and to take little care of yourself. The situation will change when the college days are over, and a new life will turn out immensely different from what we are experiencing nowadays. We need to get prepared for this’.