London Sock Company – Sartorial Socks

London Sock Company – Sartorial Socks

London Sock Company

In the month of June, we had the pleasure of meeting Ryan Palmer and Dave Pickard at London Collections: Men.  These gents are the co- founders of an establishing enterprise named London Sock Company.  Now as all our readers know, in fashion first impressions count for everything.  What you wear and how you present yourself enhance the karma for opportunities to present themselves (inner confidence with outer style)! A partnership underlining the values of the quintessential British gentleman, I spent several hours in the captivating company of Ryan and Dave before I had even began Gracie´s infamous ´interrogation´ process. Tweeting is one of my fortes (ask any one of my 188.000 followers) so when I saw tweets from both the London Sock Co. and from David Gandy Official about a David Gandy Selection for London Sock Co., I knew that I had once again uncovered a diamond; a dynamic young company embracing all the values of the British establishment, but still able to think outside the (sock) box.

Every month (in Europe) some 514 new fashion brands are born. Many of which pass though our mailbox as a prospective press release. Kick starting your own company is one cumbersome accolade, but convincing an industry leader in digital print is another. Not to mention gaining the support from the pride of the British fashion scene Mr. David Gandy himself.



David Gandy London Sock Company

 My Selection David Gandy

David and I have met and chatted on several occasions previously.  A tremendous voice of traditional values with a succinct knowledge of brand identity, David is not a talent to back a proverbial lame horse. ´I buck the trends´ he once omnisciently stated, without contradiction.  The ethos behind the London Sock Co. is unquestionable; simplicity in design with a deep philosophy of British heritage, quality and a belief that style is about being an individual. It is no real surprise based on Mr. Gandy’s immaculate focus on detail, paired with the persona of the two gentlemen behind the brand, that he felt so confident to be associated with this company.


Working with David Gandy, the London Sock Co. have produced a limited edition 3 pair set of this fine accessory that David has himself selected. This unique set includes a personally signed card from David explaining his choices (already my Christmas gift to all the men in my life)!  These accessories are a playful nature that one rarely sees within such a conservative domain. Only a keen eye for the deeper detail will acknowledge and confirm such traits.

So, what can we say from the head quarters of Men Style Fashion?  They say that a man is indeed noticed primarily by his shoes and his socks. Well done gents for stepping out the comfort zone. Gaining Gandy’s attention is quite an achievement, particularly so early on in your brand journey. From what we have seen from the recent organic growth of these dynamic entrepreneurs, this will undoubtedly be a fitting success story without any holes (unlike my Aunts previous Christmas offering). I encourage all of our Men Style Fashion followers to jump on board with this fast growing brand and stay one large ‘step’ ahead of the curve.



London Sock Company - David Gandy My Selection (1)

London Sock Company - David Gandy My Selection (2)


Photo credit to Rui Jorge


Photo credit to Rui Jorge


About The Author

Gracie Opulanza

Global menswear and luxury lifestyle journalist. Co-founder and editor in chief of Men Style Fashion. is my personal blog. Protection Status

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