A good savings account can be an excellent way to put money aside, giving you the security of knowing it’s there and the flexibility of being able to access it whenever you need it. But there are so many options out there that it can be difficult to know where to start your search. If you’re looking to open up a high interest savings account with Great Southern Bank, here are ten tips that can help you along the way.

Know your options

All banks offer some type of savings account, but the rates and benefits can vary widely. The best option for you will depend on how much money you plan on depositing and how often you want to deposit it.

What’s the minimum balance? This is one of the most important factors because interest rates are typically higher on accounts with higher balances. For example, while many savings accounts require at least $25 as a minimum balance, others may ask for as much as $100 or more.

Get Advice from Friends

Ask your friends, coworkers, and family members if they have any experience with opening up high-interest savings accounts. Chances are that they will be able to give you some tips or advice on how they were able to open one themselves.

Another option would be checking out what other people have said about their own experiences and opening up a high interest savings account on social media websites like Facebook or Twitter. You could also ask your financial advisor for advice on this topic.

Do some research

You’ll need to do some research and find the account that is right for you. If you’re looking for an easy option, then try an online bank like Ally Bank or Capital One 360. There are also many brick-and-mortar banks where you can open up an account, such as Citibank or Wells Fargo.

Find which one is most convenient for your lifestyle and consider its rate of interest, fees, and other features when making your decision. Before opening up a new account, learn about the hidden costs that come with it by reading through the disclosure materials given at the bank or credit union’s counter.

Consider what you need in an account

Before you sign up for any bank account, be sure you have your goals in mind. You may need an account that has a savings and checking option, or one that is just for savings. If you don’t know what type of account you want, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I want the ability to write checks?
  • Do I want to be able to withdraw money at an ATM or make online transfers?

Estimate how much you will save/spend every month

If you’re looking for ways to save money, consider opening up a high-interest savings account. These accounts offer higher interest rates than regular savings accounts, but be aware that they also tend to have higher monthly fees. They are worth it if you’re saving on a regular basis, and plan on keeping the money in the account for at least six months.

Consider where you want to be financially in 2 years

You want a high interest savings account because it is the best way for you to grow your money. You will have more money in two years if you put $5000 in this account. Compare interest rates between banks and credit unions. Look for online accounts with no monthly service charges and easy access through ATMs or online transfers.

Consider how much money you can afford to put into the account every month, at least $250-$500 should be saved each month. Find out if there are any restrictions on what type of transactions are allowed such as withdrawing cash from an ATM or doing an international transfer. Find out if there is an annual fee and whether it is refundable after one year.

Decide on the type of savings vehicle you want

Choosing the type of savings vehicle is an important decision, but not one you have to make right away. The best savings account for you may depend on your current financial situation and what you’re saving for. If you need help deciding which type of account is best for you, here are some things to consider:

  • What am I saving for?
  • How long will my money be there?
  • Do I want interest payments (or dividends)?
  • How often do I want access to my money?

Keep fees low

One of the most important things you can do when opening up a savings account is to make sure that you have low fees. Some banks charge monthly maintenance fees, which can add up over time and eat away at your savings. Here are some steps to take in order to avoid these types of fees:

  • Find an online bank without monthly maintenance fees or any other type of fee for that matter
  • Try out one of the many no-fee checking accounts available on the market today
  • Consider using an automatic savings plan or setting up recurring transfers into your account

Compare interest rates

There are many different types of savings accounts with different features. The interest rates and features vary between the various banks and credit unions, so it is important to compare and contrast what each bank offers before opening an account. For example, some banks offer higher interest rates for certain balances or require a minimum deposit in order for you to qualify for the higher rate.

Choose the right time frame

There are many factors that go into determining the right time frame. For example, if you’re looking for an account with no monthly fees, you’ll need to find a bank that offers no-fee accounts.

If you want to avoid the early withdrawal penalty, you might consider choosing an online savings account or one with limited branches. The key is to do your research and choose the type of high interest savings account that’s best suited to your needs.


The best way to open up a high interest savings account with Great Southern Bank is by following these ten tips. They will help you have an easy time opening up an account and getting it set up so that you can start saving right away.