The world is moving at a fast pace as it concerns advancement in technologies. Technology has been used in many aspects of life, and transportation is not an exception. Over the past few years, we have seen vehicles manufactured and operated using other things like a source of fuel or energy other than using premium motor spirits. For example, vehicles that operate using electricity as the power source have been produced by Tesla. There are many more other transformations and changes in different spheres, even in the gambling industry. Nowadays, great online types of entertainment appear, and Captain cook casino NZ is one among the best. You don’t need too much electricity to play it and enjoy it.

The advancement in technology is limited to the source of energy or fuel for cars alone; recently, vehicles that drive by themselves without the help of humans are also produced. However, over the years, there has not been a company that has combined the two technology developments in the transport industry, that is, the combination of a vehicle that drives itself and does not use premium motor spirits as its source of power or fuel.

This is what an Estonian company named Auve Tech has experimented and discovered to be possible. Auve Tech, in collaboration with some of the researchers in the University of Tartu, was able to create an autonomous self-driven hydrogen vehicle which is the first of its kind in the world.

Launching of Auve Tech First Autonomous Hydrogen Vehicle

At the opening event of the vehicle, the republic of Estonia president Kersti Kaljulaid stressed in her opening speech that the manufacturing of a shuttle that runs on hydrogen is not just an essential achievement in the incorporation of two good techs for the future. Still, it also signifies a bold step towards the new life happenings in which innovative scientific solutions and humans meet in everyday life.

These vehicles can bring a lot of benefits into our reality, such as

  • less nature pollution;
  • better transportation mode;
  • fewer car crashes;
  • traffic efficiency;

Before the launch, no one had even made an effort to burn resources and time in incorporating two aligned developments in the transportation industry, just like the autonomous self-driving hydrogen vehicle created by Auve Tech. Even though both technologies are still very much in the experimental stage, it’s undeniably a great innovation.

Combining these two technologies is seen as a big risk as it is still a new concept. This is because the acceptance of this development could be limited to some parts of the world as some might not welcome it. The president, in her speech, said the world could not even guess what the future holds about this development and how soon it would adapt to it.

In her speech, the president also claimed that, like always, the problem or setback that would be faced with accepting this new advanced technology still lies with human beings. However, since it would seem awkward to have two types of drivers in traffic, humans must now begin to give way from the steering wheel and entrust self-driving vehicles.

President Kersti said that the Estonians had been known to do what other countries planned to do but dared not for the past three decades. Therefore, this new development of Auve tech’s hydrogen care perfectly reflects what Estonians are known for.

Estonia Welcomes Auve’s Tech Autonomous Self-Driving Vehicle

According to the founder of Auve Tech and author of the Iseauto concept, Vaino Kaldoja, Estonia is a country where great technology advancement would happen quickly. He said this as a result of how the country welcomed the launching of Iseauto a few years back, and it was further approved legally to run on the road.

“The Auve Tech is the pioneer of manufacture of autonomous self-driving hydrogen-powered vehicles in the world,” the founder said. The founder also recognized and lauded the effort of everyone involved in developing this new technology which includes; experts, researchers, and students. He said their participation is crucial and unique.

Over 50 students participated in this project, and they were able to acquire great knowledge about the novel hydrogen technology. Kaldoja further said that this milestone that the company is achieving is just a landmark of the upcoming projects that is to come. Kaldoja named the new vehicle Liisu after his granddaughter Lisandra.

He did that to boost the morale of the young boys and girls who are still in school to gain more knowledge.

Hydrogen as a Sustainable Solution in the Transport Industry

Enn Lust, who is a director of the institute of chemistry at the University of Tartu, a professor of physical chemistry, and an Academician, showed his profound gratitude and were quick to thank the founder and people at Auve Techs for providing the university scientists to get involved in this tech advancement. The university’s involvement in the project is mainly to help convert the autonomous vehicle to run on hydrogen.

He said it is essential to demonstrate the initiative in manufacturing fuel cells that would convert hydrogen to energy. The professor said this because he envisions the element (Hydrogen) as the only sustainable solution for the future. He predicts that by 2030, more than 10% of the means of transport in Estonia will be powered by renewable fuels.

The collaboration of the university with the Auve Techs proved that they could combine resources and burn time with the private sector to find solutions to creating alternatives to human driving, which creates a lot of accidents and the use of premium motor spirit, which is not eco-friendly. He also encourages the country to give maximum support to projects like this at the national level as he sees Estonia as a small country but also as a place where nationwide hydrogen infrastructure could be developed quickly; just like in Germany where you will see the maximum distance between hydrogen filling stations to be less than 150 kilometres.

Eco-Friendly Alternative to Personal Cars

As reported by the CEO of Auve Tech, Johannes Mossov, autonomous driverless hydrogen-powered vehicles could be the best thing to the environment as it is eco-friendly and can serve as a perfect alternative to personal cars.

The element is used in the hydrogen cells, and it helps produce the electricity needed to run the vehicle. The only by-product from this is heat and vaporized water. As a result, hydrogen-powered cars charge faster than electric cars, allowing more working hours and improving efficiency.


Auve Tech’s newly developed autonomous self-driving hydrogen-powered vehicle is a project that has come to live with us for a very long time. The benefits of the vehicle would be as great as it would significantly prevent unnecessary accidents. More so, hydrogen is an eco-friendly element, which makes it very valuable.