Colour Tips – What To Embrace Right Now

Colour Tips – What To Embrace Right Now

A leading designer for men the infamous Tom Ford once commented that men just need the right options, which to decipher for the real world of style translates as simple is best. You can have several wardrobes heaving with clothes but owning and establishing a capsule portfolio of classic wearables can be not just satisfying but also allow you to cut a mean rug in the fashion stakes and be the envy of your lesser dressed chums.

Unless you’re hosting a game show most gentlemen tend to dial the image down with what is thought of as classic grey, black or blue layers particularly in work dress when conservative with a small ”c” can be a safe choice sartorially.

We’re not advising dressing like a traffic light especially with the number of vehicles on the roads, but you can rev up your image by selecting brighter colours for both business or pleasure.

Purple Reigns

Men wanting a change frequently flutter to purple like a moth to a flame. We all know what happens if you fly too close to the light. Don’t make the same mistake with single colour overkill. Purple highlights teamed in a subtle way and blended with beige, grey and blue can be very effective and shows awareness of the trends.

Be aware of the hue of your skin and ensure that bright or dark shades of purple such as magenta compliment you. Don’t be afraid to strut your stuff in front of a mirror. Not only will you be tempted to do the best Mick Jagger impression ever waving that purple tie or pocket square but you will quite literally be able to see yourself in a different less harsh light.

Purple dress shirts are in abundance right now and can easily be matched turning dark blue or neutral suits into leisure items of pure purple trimmed pleasure.

Colour Tips - What To Embrace Right Now

Green Really Is For “Go”

Hiding in plain sight you will find as many shades of green this season as blades of grass and it’s high in the popularity stakes with many of the leading houses experimenting combining greens with complementary shades of white, blue and grey recommended.

Although the traditional military khaki always looks masculine, there is no written rule about its usage. There are so many shades from bottle to pastel that can blend well providing you contrast the tone to your skin type. With this colour, darker skins are a positive boon. Recommended to be worn with classic chinos and lighter tone short-sleeved drill shirts on a warm evening can be complemented with similar contrasting accessories such as socks and deck shoes. Make sure to add a pocket square to your blazer. Think “Brideshead Revisited” on a budget and you’ve got it!

Colour Tips - What To Embrace Right Now

Pink Is For Sassies

Nope, you read that right! Pink to make the boys wink has been turned on its head with the colour infiltrating the male market by stealth and showing on a regular basis for several seasons banishing sexual stereotypes in its wake. A quick scan of the wardrobe of your average joe will reveal plenty of standard colours that will team well with a classy pink Oxford shirt from classic blue Blazers to simple jeans and chinos to enhance the casual but current look. Teaming muted colours with pink chinos or knee-length shorts can add a touch of class to the boardwalk.

Remember a little colour experimentation can be a wonderful thing and by shopping wisely you can reinvigorate a tired wardrobe and keep that hard-earned cash for summer fripperies chin chin!

Colour Tips - What To Embrace Right Now

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