Summer is the season of suntan, beverages, and beach time. Even if you don’t like summer, you must love the beach. Relaxing in the sand, waves at your feet, riding the tide- whatever it is, the beach is fun.

But another thing about the beaches is that the fun only starts after you get shirtless. How would you challenge the sun and waves otherwise? And how will you be able to show off the beach bod you’ve been working hard on?

Playing games, swimming or taking some photos- all of them would be fun if you could prepare yourself for the beach better. So here are five tips for all the guys looking to have a fun-filled beach trip.

1. Get the body ready

Push ups are another workout that Sean O'pry does to stay in shape

If you’re conscious of your appearance or want to show off your body without any embarrassment whatsoever, then you must get your body ready for the seas.

Cut the carbs and add some proteins to maintain muscles and eliminate excess water. Do your cardio first thing in the morning before having any food whatsoever. It will help you burn fat faster. Removing carbs from your breakfast is equally helpful, as it lowers your cortisol level, which is the main culprit behind damaging mussel tissues.

You can split the cardio into stages: before breaking your fast, after workouts, and before your last meal. It will strengthen your whole metabolism.

And in this state, it’s natural that all those burgers, fries, and ice creams will call you out loudly, but don’t get enamoured by their seduction. Instead, have a glass of cold water whenever you feel really hungry.

2. Preparations for fun

Whatever you want to do at the beach, you should remember (or note down) the necessary equipment needed.

Don’t forget to pack beach balls, frisbees, plastic toys, and if you want more, any other sports equipment you’d like to enjoy.

Volleyball, badminton, freeze tag, hopscotch– there are many games you can play on the beach. Keep whatever you need for them in one place so that you don’t forget to take it.

Sunglasses to look cool, umbrellas to keep some shade if you need them, beach mats to sit on- these are elementary.

Also, if you think of yourself as a potent photographer, some shots of sunrise and sunset on the beach will improve your catalogue. For that, take your trusty camera with you.

And if you want to just capture friends and family having a fun time, annoying, smiling- your smartphone and your skills are enough. Then get them on Instagram for extra admiration.

Also, some bottles or cans of chilled beverages will only enhance the mood. Pack an icebox filled with the favourites. Some beaches even allow bonfires. You may get your grills and all for some extra spicy and mouth-watering fun.

3. Grooming is necessary

male grooming

You’d want to look your best on the beach, wouldn’t you?

For that, some grooming is necessary. Have a nice haircut, and get your beard in shape. All of these are easy and can be done at home by yourself.

But if you need some more advanced and long-term solutions then opt for a laser hair removal service , fat reduction, etc., for which you need to seek professional help.

Men deserve to look good too. And today, there are several ways to treat yourself and bring out your real beauty.

4. Pack fun clothes

While beaches are filled to the brim with shirtless guys, there’s no harm in wearing beach-ready outfits. Something that matches the fun vibe a beach is all about.

Bring out your most colourful clothes. Those Hawaiian shirts are made for this. Wear comfy shorts with that to absorb all the breeze and sunshine. Don’t forget your trusty sandals and a good old hat.

They may save you from the heat coming from the sky above and the sands below you.

5. The good old moisturizer and sunscreen lotion

Sun protection men

If the sole reason for visiting a beach is to get a sunbath, relax, take in the views and just chill the hell out, then never forget the bottles of moisturizer and sunscreen lotion.

Both of them would save your skin from getting grilled by the summer sun. If you have a trusted brand, grab a bottle of it. There are many moisturizers with SPF too. They are a 2-in-1 solution.

Whatever it is, just have them by your side.


Beaches can give you endless entertainment and fun. You just need to warm up to it in the right way through your preparations.

If you’re going out with your family, you need to consider their liking too. If you’ve got small kids, you must keep an eye out for their safety.

But whatever you do, you must have fun. Family, friends, lone wanderer- you can be anything; the ocean doesn’t mind.