Are you interested in learning how to tattoo?

Tattooing is a popular art form that can be used to express yourself, commemorate a special event, or simply beautify your body. While it may seem intimidating at first, learning how to tattoo is a process that can be fun and rewarding.

One of the biggest challenges people face when learning how to tattoo is figuring out where to start. There is a lot of information out there on the internet, and it can be difficult to know what is accurate and relevant. A great place to check this out is to read the beginner’s guide from Tattoo Bern.

In addition, there are many different types of equipment used in tattooing, and it can be confusing to figure out what you need.

In this beginner’s guide to tattooing, you’ll learn everything you need to know to get started – from the basics of tattooing, and equipment to techniques. So whether you’re a first-timer or just curious about tattooing, read on for everything you need to know!

What is tattooing and how does it work?

The process of tattooing involves using a needle to inject ink into your canvas. The ink is deposited in the layer of skin known as the dermis, and it remains there permanently.

While tattooing may seem intimidating at first, it is a skill that can be learned relatively easily.

The most important thing to remember is to start small. Don’t try to tackle a huge project your first time around. Instead, start with a basic design and work your way up.

What happens during a tattooing session?

A tattooing session typically lasts between two and four hours. During this time, you will create your design and inject the ink into your canvas.

The different types of equipment used in tattooing

There are many different types of equipment used in tattooing, but the most common are the tattoo machine, the tattoo needle, and the ink. Let’s take a closer look at each of these.

Tattoo Machine

The tattoo machine is the most important piece of equipment in a tattooing studio. It is a handheld device that uses a motor to drive the needle up and down. This creates the tattooing effect.

Tattoo Needle

The tattoo needle is a small, pointed piece of metal that is attached to the tattoo machine. It is responsible for injecting the ink into the skin.


The ink is a fluid that is used to create the tattoo. It comes in a variety of colors, and each color has its own set of pigments.

How to choose the right design for your first tattoo?

One of the most important decisions you will make when learning how to tattoo is choosing the right design. This decision should not be taken lightly, as your first tattoo will set as your starting ground towards success.

Find inspiration

The best way to find inspiration for your first tattoo is to look online. There are many websites that offer free designs, and you can also find images on social media sites like Instagram and Pinterest.

Select a design that is right for your client

When choosing a design, you should ask first your client what they are looking for. Take into account their personality, interests, and body type. It is also important to make sure that the design is appropriate for the location on the body where it will be placed.

How to prepare for your first tattooing session as a tattoo artist?

Now that you know the basics of tattooing, let’s take a closer look at the actual process. This will give you a better idea of what to expect when you go in for your first session.

  • You will explain the process and answer any questions that your client has.
  • You will then begin drawing the design on a stencil.
  • You will then clean the area where the tattoo will be placed and apply a numbing agent.
  • Once the design is finalized, you will start tattooing it onto your canvas.
  • The session will last between two and four hours.

Aftercare for tattoos

Your client’s tattoo will not be fully healed for several weeks, and during this time, your client will need to take special care of it.

Here are some tips you can give to your client for taking care of his/her new tattoo.

  • Keep the tattooed area clean and dry.
  • Avoid swimming and soaking in a bath or hot tub.
  • Avoid sun exposure.
  • Avoid scratching or picking at the tattoo.
  • Apply a bandage or ointment.

Common mistakes made by new tattoo artists

As a new tattoo artist, it is important to learn from the mistakes of others. Here are some common mistakes that new artists make.

  • Not taking the time to plan the design.
  • Not using the right type of ink.
  • Incorrectly positioning the tattoo machine.
  • Not cleaning the area properly before tattooing.
  • Ink spreading too thin or too thick.

So there you have it!

A tattooing 101 for beginners!

Ready to get started on your own tattooing journey? Remember, practice makes perfect so be sure to start practicing as soon as possible. And most importantly, have fun with it! Happy tattooing!