Nina Forever - A Film Created by a Kickstarter Campaign

Sitges Film Festival

I am in beautiful Sitges, a coastal town 30 kilometres south of Barcelona for the Sitges Film Festival 2015. It is my first time I am covering a film festival so I am a bit new to the industry. It is a fascinating world and I love interviewing filmmakers. Today I am interviewing the film making geniuses Ben & Chris Blaine, they have directed a movie called Nina Forever. Nina Forever is a 2015 British horror comedy film written and directed by brothers Ben and Chris Blaine. It stars Fiona O’Shaughnessy, Abigail Hardingham, and Cian Barry. It premiered at the 2015 SXSW film festival. Fiona O’Shaughnessy plays Nina, a revenant who comes back to life to torment her ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend whenever they have sex.

Chris and Ben Blaine are two very stylish brothers who understand that dressing well gets you places. After many years trying to get their first film funded these two decided to use Kickstarter.  For the first time, Chris and Ben ignore what the industry demands in order to be successful within the film industry. They decide to tap into their personal experience and kickstart this movie called Nina Forever.

Style Can Get You Noticed

Both brothers explain the importance of costume within this film and also when marketing their dream that how you present yourself both on and off the screen makes all the difference.

Here is a quote by the Brothers about Nina Forever:

“It draws on our personal experiences of grief.”

Interview With The Blaine Brothers
