Fashion companies are always tailoring their business to the ever evolving pace of men’s daily working demands. Have you got suits in your wardrobe that are of vintage heritage, well loved but never worn. You hold onto your suits because the quality, style or design of the fabrics are too much to let go. But you not so sure what to do with it? Well Operation Wardrobe states what it says. Yes imagine your treasured suits re designed to fit you, bespoke and all. You will own your very own suit made for you but with a twist. Is that possible for 2013. Yes it is.
The Suit Reconstruction
Operation Wardrobe is all about bringing the value back to clothing and redefining the term luxury. Through deconstruct and reconstruct methods, both vintage and excess stocks are handcrafted by skilled surgeons to create beautiful quality pieces, providing a unique and sustainable reinterpretation of the classic shapes that you already know, with a slight twist. An operation piece can be worn anywhere and on any occasion, together as a set or stand alone strong. There really is only one of what we make. There really is only one of you. Get the design first, then dine out on the sustainable style.
Fast Fashion Versus Individuality
Why get your own personalised suit? In this tough economic times where jobs are scarce it’s a brilliant to take the risk and wear something considered your own. Also for some men the normal tailored suit is just too boring and getting a design which shows your personal taste is a risk worth taking. There are some fabrics that money just can’t buy any more. So if you have your own suit worth re- styling then Operation Wardrobe is the place to head. Be inspired by Garry and listen to what he has to say about being an individual. Don’t panic Kerry and Garry know what they are doing. They will have you rocking in your suit in no time at all.
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Garry wearing Cape 2013 Collection
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