The Evolution of the Men’s Parka Jacket

The Evolution of the Men’s Parka Jacket

During the summer, there is a lot more scope for individuality in many ways, as no one is restricted by having to wear warm layers against the cold chill. But as the winter season begins, its time to start thinking about how to properly prepare your wardrobe for the colder weather while still finding ways express your personal style. While there is a range of different coats available for the winter months, there is one jacket that is universally preferred by men across a variety of different countries, no matter their individual style or varied sense of fashion: the parka.

What Is A Parka?

What most people look for within a good quality parka is warmth, which is why they are generally longer fitting than most jackets, with a thick inside lining for better insulation and heat conservation. Parkas share many different similarities to a multitude of coat styles, with the main reason for this being that many attributes of a wide range of coats have been inspired by the parka itself. However, a parka does have some key differences from any other type of outerwear, particularly in its origins.

Parkas For Men

The Traditional Parka

Parkas originally hailed from the Canadian Arctic and were found to be worn by the Inuit people in the mid 20th century. At the time, the parka was simply created with a functional design to protect the Inuit’s from the freezing conditions of the artic. The hip-length pullover fur garment was usually made with seal skins and treated with oil, for greater protection against the cold and added water resistance. At the time, the parka was mostly worn by women, which is why they commonly included a baby pouch, something which can still be seen in many modern designs today.

Introduction Into Western Culture

Due to the excellent functionality of the parka, the design was adopted by the US military, who manufactured fur-lined parka coats to keep troops warm during the Second World War, though they made many adaptations, including adding a zip and pockets for carrying ammunition. As parkas continued to be issued by the military, they were further adopted in other areas of society, until eventually, they became a widely recognized garment across western culture.

Parkas For Men

From Function To Fashion

It wasn’t until the last decade, however, that the parka jacket became a seasonal trend within mainstream fashion, with it now being stocked both in the high street and in online retailers. Over time, the parka was altered in many ways, which make it almost unrecognizable to the traditional parka, with different materials and styles being used in the products. However, the fur lining, warmth, and practicality of the traditional parka is still something which can be seen today in most parka jackets.

Parkas Into Luxury Fashion

Due to the parka being such as a practical and functional item of clothing, it took some time for the parka to be adopted into luxury fashion. However, in recent years there has been a move towards more casual high-end fashion, which has seen the parka find it’s way into a new higher-end, tailored design.

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