Playing golf is not for everyone, so they say. Do you know why? Well, first of all, you have to invest a great amount of money to buy golf equipment. And they cost a lot! Although some can start without shelling out any amount, game management requires spending money.
Golf equipment like golf clubs, bags, shoes, golf balls, and other accessories (not including golf course fees) are expensive. Let us say you managed to secure golf equipment like balls, clubs, and minor accessories, but how about golf shoes? Do you need expensive golf shoes to play golf? Not necessarily.
Golf shoe brands are doing their best to keep costs low yet provide golfers with the protection they need. We found some cheap but high-quality golf shoes at You can check them out.
But, are there still top-quality golf shoes under $100? It seems that you need to know the elements to look for in choosing the best golf shoes.
Spiked or Spike-less?
Spiked golf shoes have metal or plastic (sometimes rubber) cleats on the outsole. These are called spikes. The spikes provide better traction and lateral stability. You need spikes in rugged, wet, and hilly terrain.
Many golfers rely on spikes on wide-range course conditions, especially during rainy days.
The spike-less ones do not have cleats or studs. But many golfers feel more comfortable on the course wearing non-spiked shoes, especially pros. Spiked-less shoes make golfers feel more convenient going directly from the 18th green to the 19th cup without changing footwear.
One of the most popular golf shoes, yet below $100, is the Adidas Men’s Zg21 Motion Primegreen Golf Shoes. The pair may not be attractive as they look, but the quality and price count a lot! We highly recommend these golf shoes.
Does the price fit your budget?
Yes, there are premium golf shoe brands that sell for less than $100! You can read articles or reviews for such prices and then verify them on the brand’s website if true.
When you find a pair with less than a $100 tag price, does it suit your needs? You need to answer this question before you make a purchase. It is the same for shoes that cost more than $100.
Shoe Fit
Once you know the price of a golf shoe, you need to determine its suitability. Does it fit you? Pick the one that keeps your feet from sliding or slipping while you walk or make a swing. Your shoes should not be too tight or too loose.
Cleats or Traction Pads
Golf shoes with cleats allow your feet to grip on grass or dirt. The protruding metal or rubber can maintain your footing on uneven terrain. The traction pads are non-spiked shoes fitted with small studs on the outsoles to grip your feet on the ground.
Breathability plays a vital role in the performance of every golfer. The shoes should have a breathable upper for better air circulation to keep your feet dry and cool.
Not all golf shoes are waterproof. But, most are water-resistant. Many golf shoe brands offer water-proofing technology but with limited time. Once the shoes become too old, their water-proofing ability expires.
Can you wear running shoes to play golf?
There is no rule as to what shoes you can wear inside a golf course. However, some courses require a specified kind of shoes. Running shoes or trainers with suitable sole treads are a better alternative.
How often should I replace my golf shoes?
Many golf shoes have an average life between two and four years depending on how often you play the game. Spiked golf shoes have a longer life than spike-less ones.
How Many Pairs Of Golf Shoes Do You Need?
Two pairs of golf shoes (spiked and spike-less) are ideal for semi-frequent golfers.
Is It Better For Golf Shoes To Be Tight Or Loose?
The size of your shoes matters the most. If they are too tight, you might suffer blisters. If they are too loose, you may not have the proper balance, especially during swings.
What does Tiger Woods wear for golf shoes?
Tiger Woods usually wear FootJoy golf shoes, especially during the 2023 Masters, combined with Nike apparel.
One of Woods’ favourite FootJoy shoes is the FootJoy Men’s Premiere Series-Packard Golf Shoe.
Which pros wear Skechers golf shoes?
In the 2022 US Open, PGA Tour professional Matt Fitzpatrick wears the Skechers Pro 5 Harper. The other Pro players who wear Skechers on their tours include Billy Andrade, Colin Montgomery, and Brooke Henderson.
Busy golfers, like those who seldom play prefer spike-less golf shoes. They don’t need to change footwear direct from the office to the golf course. But more serious players who prefer to stay longer on the golf course mostly want spiked shoes.
Whichever you prefer, we are sure you will find the best golf shoes under $100.