Beard Love
The amount of women attention that men with beards has got, is very entertaining. So it occurred to me that it was time to understand why some women love or hate men with beards? That’s right, beards and Gracie are just a no go. For me kissing hair just simply makes me giggle and more concerning kissing sandpaper is not my thing. However Chris you look fabulously handsome, I must say. So let’s lay down some facts.
Beards and Press
An article in the Daily Mail – “Psychologists confirm: Women REALLY don’t like beards” regarding a study surrounding beards and female perception done in New Zealand, found some interesting facts:
- Men rated more highly with their face shaved than with a beard
- Beards make men look older and more aggressive
- Beards command respect between males
The article also showed images of Brad Pitt and Prince William with and without beard.
However another study in 2008 and published by the Telegraph found women loved the stubble – Women prefer men with stubble for love, sex and marriage. So where do we stand here, beard wrong and stubble is good.
Beards a Niche Fashion
I think we need to look at it this way, sporting a beard means you are in a minority and although the majority of women will probably not like it, there is also a minority that loves them. It’s a very personal relationship between a man, women and their love affair with beards. I did this interview between Chris and Christina and it just oozes beard admiration. What I adore the most, is how mesmerised she is with Chris and his beard. Gosh who would blame her? Common, it’s not everyday you come across a beard like this. Let alone a Brit who can look this hot in an African suit.
Beard Guidance
So do you have the guts to become part of the beard growing minority. We have some helpful articles to get you on the way.
- Beards – How To Get a Cool Looking Beard
- Beards – The Beard Has Arrived, And It’s Here To Stay
- Beard Maintenance – How to Maintain Your Beard