Cirque Du Soleil – Interview Skorpion Dancer

Cirque Du Soleil – Interview Skorpion Dancer

I am a huge fan of reporting on menswear from an athletic point of view. For me the key to inspiring a man to dress well is through the eyes of different artists and role models. I am a lover of dancing and Cirque du Soleil. So it was great to reconnect with Stephane Boko from Cirque Du Soleil, whom I met in 2013.  After the first édition Scalada 2013  Cirque Du Soleil in Andorra  as choreographer , Stephane Boko was asked  to be be back with Cirque as director and choreographer for the 2014 Scalada (Mater Natura) and 2015 ( Storia) in Andorra.

He is a teacher, director and choreographer who has worked with the most gifted people globally. I asked Cirque du Soleil if we could interview one of their finest artists, Skorpion Dancer.

How does talented Stephane Boko choose his performers for what we all now are the best circus performers in the world. In this interview Stephane explains all the attributes you need to work with Cirque du Soleil.

Skorpion Dancer

Let me introduce you to one of the worlds best Hip Hop dancers called Skorpion. Why do they give him such a name? Find out about Skorpion Dancer dancing with Kylie Minogue along side her at the KissMeOnce concert down-under last month. He also performed with other top artist, Taylor Swift.

Why would Cirque du Soleil choose such an artist? Why would top brands like Hermes ask Skorpian to showcase their collections on the catwalk?  Listen to this inspirational interview with Skorpion.

SkorpionDancer Kylie Minogue Kiss me Once Tour 2015 (3)


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About The Author

Gracie Opulanza

Global menswear and luxury lifestyle journalist. Co-founder and editor in chief of Men Style Fashion. is my personal blog. Protection Status

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