Male Flamboyancy Is Being Distorted
Images of effeminate males, being paraded around elaborate catwalks in major cities across the globe, don’t represent the average male, nor what he wears. That is not an accurate depiction of how men carry themselves, nor the merchandise these human mannequins are robed sell well, if at all. Why? Because it isn’t appealing, it’s appalling, and lacks mass appeal. Male flamboyancy is being distorted. This doesn’t apply to all men, some are represented by the male models of these runways for their own reasons, nor does it apply to all designers. In reality, the average male today, is not represented on the runway. What is being seen is the collective mindset of the designer and everyone behind the scene, and likely clothing that some would like to see men wear – again, likely for the designers’ personal desires. Women across the globe have taken note of the effeminate image, and some have serious reservations, concerned about what is happening with their men. Some have commented that the attire might be suitable for female clientele. Concerned?
Male Grooming
Like women, men want to accessorize, and this is good, it’s normal. There is no shortage of items available either. From the gaudiest of watches, rings, and jewelry, to a plethora of robust colognes, scented body soaps, fragrant shampoos, endless facial products, etc…if you want to accessorize, you should feel good! Some go a bit further, adding earrings, mani/pedicures, but still remain masculine. All of that is fine because those are personal choices, agree with them or not. However, these men aren’t trying to change the male image into something just a blink away from being a woman – rather, they do what they want, and show it’s okay to do certain things that were taboo not long ago. One could argue, we are self-feminizing by default. In other words, the days of a white bar of soap to shower with, and a quick shave are over. However, because those days of grandfather are dying rapidly, doesn’t mean men should run to sister’s vanity, closet, or shoe collection.
Women Expect More
But wait, there’s more! Women expect more, and they deserve to have a man at his best, with his mind actively applying the adaptability and evolutionary vision that [women and men] are innately endowed with. How many times has it been heard, “She is trying to change him.” It is a new day, “she” is seeing the change in him, but unlike her mother, it’s at his own pace, women seem to respect this. Partly, I believe because women know they cannot force a man to be what [she] wants. They have patience and wisdom enough to allow men to grow (or she’ll move on, but that’s another story). By the way, I have all of the above items, I don’t do earrings or mani/pedi (not yet, maybe never). With all of that said, we are not the effeminate, flamboyant male seen on the catwalks. To add to that, I’m guessing here, but women in general don’t want a man who is more of a “girl” than she is, in terms of beautification (or anything?). If I’m wrong, please correct me ladies.
Flamboyantly crafted, they’re a turnoff to the male ego
Well, consider this: a shawl for men, a woman’s article of clothing/accessory; the small clutch bag called a “murse” is a purse, no two ways about it, it’s a woman’s clutch bag in a man’s hand. Some of murses appear to be no more than a leather binder, they look like something a man should carry. However, many of them are so flamboyantly crafted, they’re a turnoff to the male ego. Our psyche will not allow such a dramatic switch. Slowly but surely, many of these new behaviors and “effeminate” aura become accepted by mainstream society, and that is what is intimidating – an androgynous society (sexual preference is irrelevant, that’s no one’s business). The fearful part is that hostile nations see this as a sign of weakness, and try to take advantage of what they perceive, exploit cultural differences. Or the worst possible scenario, such a backlash leads to the rise of extremely dangerous leaders – the likes of whom we’ve seen in the past, and some are currently in positions of power in smaller nations around the world, and some not so small. These are possible implications of “entertainment” and shock value from such a large industry in an increasingly shrinking society – because of such things as the Internet, the same style of dress can be found anywhere, at the same time. Whereas in days past, fashion was generally seen in newspapers and magazines, and many places had their own fashion sense.
Many of us have seen images of Russian President Putin, shirtless on horseback as if he were selling deodorants, boldy making laws against human rights, notably the gay community. Why? Even with a low popularity rating, he fears an androgynous and/or gay community make Russia look weak, lacking in masculinity, therefore vulnerable. Backlash. Multi-talented actor, Eddie Murphy, said years ago in brief, [a gay man can kick someone’s ass too. Don’t assume because he’s gay, YOU can beat him up because you’re not gay.] In this case, it’s not that some models look “gay”, it’s a perception of weakness. Sadly, some nations execute individuals who are or are perceived to be non-heterosexual, they reject the effeminate male.
The Designer – What Do They Wear On A Catwalk
How many of us have seen the designers of these effeminate male/women’s attire for men being worn by the designers themselves? Most come out from behind a curtain looking like the rest of us. So why put on such a ridiculous show? Much of the ultra-effeminate outerwear seen strutted across the catwalks is admittedly “humorous” fashion made simply to show the creative prowess of some fabricators, and that of the crew that makes everything work seemingly flawlessly. Is [androgynous fashion] threatening? Yes. It is not mens wear, it is women’s attire that some in the fashion industry are knowingly searching out a niche for – it isn’t jokes for them. They have been trying to popularize male skirts, half-dresses, for decades. This is where a man begins to feel “pushed” into something he either rejects or is not ready to accept. Yes, 19th century clans and tribesmen across the globe dawned what today would be seen as women’s wear. Many remnants of these populations still exist from Scotland to Brazil and elsewhere. However, it’s safe to say most nations want progress to continue – even if it means men’s shampoos contain a hint of mint.
The Introduction of Lace Panties
(The introduction of lace panties for, you guessed it, men is not being debated here simply because if a guy wants to wear panties, that’s personal choice, and who’s going to know he’s wearing them?) I am saying to those wreckless designers and careless creative minds in the fashion industry, show what designers can really do that make buyers stand and applaud because they are impressed and know they can sell everything, and not simply because they were well entertained by a parade of ultra thin men just a lipstick away from cross dressing, or from having big-name celebs in their sights. The clients, the media, are as savvy as anyone else, and need humor also. And there is plenty of time to hold private runway affairs with everyone in drag, if that is the desired entertainment. Understand that if anyone tries to force a man to change, using shock value in order to mitigate the effects of an effeminate line of clothing, it will backfire. And with the same speed that men are evolving, we can regress – then we all lose. This is not solely about fashion, it’s also about self-preservation. I look forward to a changing society, more fashionable and trendy, without totally redefining or destroying masculinity. But I’m aware of the dangers in forcefully attempting to alter society.