Top Ways to Deal With Leaky Pipes Easily

Top Ways to Deal With Leaky Pipes Easily

Most of us hate electrical jobs where we have to be using cutting tools, or plumbing, especially when it involves leaky pipes as the damage can turn huge quickly.

The sound of water dripping on the floor is one of the most frustrating sounds you could hear. You would have to follow your ears to find the leak in the house. It can be a nightmare if the amount of water is capable of flooding your place, but thankfully, it can be managed one way or another. After finding it, you will have to assess the situation and whether you can fix it yourself or if you need professional help.

It will be your happy day if the cause of the leak is simply a loose joint. All you will have to do is tightly close it and voila, there is no more water dripping. The first step you should take whether you are going for a temporary or a permanent solution is to close the main water supply. You will then need to turn off the leaky pipe and leave it to dry to prepare it for the materials you will use to fix it. Here are some of the best ways to fix those leaky pipes.

Repair Tape

Repair tape is made of either rubber or silicone and can withstand strong pressure. It sticks to itself rather than the split it is repairing. You need to wrap it in a spiral fashion along the slit; luckily, it can be easily stretched for long distances. Unfortunately, it can’t be applied in tight areas.

Epoxy Putty

One of the top temporary solutions for fixing leaky pipes is applying epoxy putty. You should wear gloves while working with it because it is a thermoplastic material that heats up when kneaded. Cut a piece bigger than the size of the leak, and keep mixing it until the colour becomes consistent. Apply the epoxy tightly around the pipe and leave it to solidify for 10 minutes before turning on the water.

A Pencil Trick

If the leak is small, sharpen a pencil and stick it in the hole then break it and leave the lead part inside the hole. To ensure a tight seal, wrap several layers of duct tape around it. You can try to open the water again, and if there is no water dropping, keep it running temporarily but with a bucket under it in case the plug was pushed out suddenly.


You should choose the size of the pencil according to the size of the hole. This solution is a trick used by local plumbers whom you will definitely need to call in the next couple of days. A professional’s help is needed to fix the leak permanently or to replace the whole pipe.

Garden Hose

Cut a piece of a large hose and wrap it around the damaged area. You should make sure that the piece is adjusted well and that it extends for an appropriate length. Lastly, put clamps to secure the hose in its place against the water pressure.

Split Coupling

Buy a coupling piece that fits the kind and size of your pipe. It is a piece of metal that is designed to join two pieces of pipes together. You can remove the leaky part using cutting tools and rejoin the other parts using the coupling metal, which is rust-resistant and can sometimes be considered a permanent solution.

Resin Wrap

Resin wraps are made up of water-activated fiberglass that solidifies after being exposed to water for a couple of minutes. Wrap it around the broken part and leave it to harden for10 minutes. It is a permanent fix and acts as steel. In fact, it has astonished professionals with how strong it is and how it can stay in place for years.

Replace the Pipe

This method needs a lot of tools and you’d have to have some sort of expertise in plumbing. First of all, you need to remove the damaged part using a hacksaw, then polish the surfaces that will be in contact with your new pipe. After that, apply soldering material at both ends of the replacement pipe and put it carefully in place. You will have to wait for some time before reopening the faucet.

Compound Stick

This is a hydrophilic material that can be rubbed over the leak, especially if there are multiple small holes that would be difficult to block. A compound stick is widely available in hardware stores and the best thing about it is that you don’t have to wait for the pipe to dry.

The above solutions are easy and can be taken care of on your own. You don’t have to be a plumber to stop the leakage, but some cases are direr than others. You need to keep in mind that any temporary solutions should be followed by a permanent one done by a professional. However, you’ll need to protect your house from being flooded in the meantime until a professional can pay you a visit. Protection Status

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