There are not many things that make us cringe more than a pair of ill fitting trousers. Whether they’re too long, too short, too big or small, bunched material around the waistband or too tight around the thighs, there are so many things that can go wrong. Here are 5 top tips to help pick the right trousers for you.
Trousers – 5 Tops Tips How To Pick Your Size
- Avoid buying trousers that are too big and having them altered. This will accentuate your size as the proportions will remain too big. A stitched seam down the outside leg of the trousers will lengthen your leg, as will turning up casual trousers to reveal a bit of sock.
- If you are tall, ensure that you trousers are full length. If any ankle is on show, it will make you look even taller than you are and accentuate lankiness. Certain brands tailor to the taller man, such as Northern European and American companies. Do not wear skinny jeans!
- If you are well built, go for darker colours when choosing trousers. Go for straight-legged styles. Do not choose trousers with pleats as the extra fabric will make you look even bulkier. Try and avoid wearing skinny trousers as they will draw attention to your legs.
- Ensure that the measurements that have been taken are correct when getting a tailor made pair of trousers. There I no harm in checking the measurements, or even measuring yourself before you see a tailor, so you can check that the measurements are fairly similar (of course, the tailors will be more exact that your own measurements). There is nothing worse than wearing a pair of trousers that do not fit well around the hips, are too baggy around the crotch and too long and wide at the bottom. First impression is key in business and a sharp suit will ensure that you are taken seriously from the beginning.
- Ensure that you wear the shoes that you would be wearing with the suit whilst getting fitted – you don’t want to wear the wrong shoes and the trousers then come up too short or long when they have been finished – think ahead!
I you need help in picking some cloth and having your trousers tailor-made, then email [email protected] who will be happy to help.