Suits – How Do I Know My Suit Fits Right?

Suits – How Do I Know My Suit Fits Right?

On my last visit to London, I popped in at Edward Sexton, who is one of Britain’s best bespoke tailors. I also had with me our Social Media guru Lewis, aged 23.  He had just bought a ready to wear new suit from the high street. He asked the asked the tailor if he had chosen well and if the suit had a good fit. Well in the video below you will find out the mistakes he made and will provide you with tips in how to make sure your suit fits right. Not all of us can afford a bespoke tailor.

How can you tell when your suit jacket is too big or too tight. What are some simple fitting rules and key tips that you need to understand when buying a suit from your local high street. Listen to expert tailor Dominic explain where Lewis went wrong.


About The Author

Gracie Opulanza

Global menswear and luxury lifestyle journalist. Co-founder and editor in chief of Men Style Fashion. is my personal blog. Protection Status

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