Men have the right to pamper themselves as much as women, even though social norms dictate that men should not care about how they look. While men have taken on fashion, beauty products, and spa days, plastic surgery is a taboo that remains unbroken. Data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that in 2019, nearly 10% of all cosmetic procedures, like with Dr. Kopelman, were received by men.

Even if you are not familiar with plastic surgery you know that it can be expensive, though there are doctors that do excellent work at affordable prices. For those looking into male rhinoplasty, Tampa Bay has plenty of low-cost high-quality surgeons. Surgeons in Chicago offer competitive rates on facelifts. Wherever you are you can find the right plastic surgeon for you.

While many lifestyle and health blogs preach that “you are perfect just the way you are,” it can be hard to agree when exposed to social media images of handsome people living their best lives. Furthermore, there are some things that diet and exercise just cannot fix, and those things (scars, lumps, etc.) can be a weight on your confidence.

You should not feel ashamed or embarrassed if you are considering plastic surgery. You are putting in the work to feel confident about yourself. Of course, you might not know where to begin in your plastic surgery research. As a start, here are some of the most popular plastic surgery procedures that men get and what actually happens in the procedure:

1. Liposuction

It is not uncommon for men to reach the legal drinking age, discover beer, and then wake up fifteen years later to find a solid gut has formed. This is why liposuction has become the most popular cosmetic procedure performed for both men and women.

Men typically get liposuction around their waist. Doctors report that men do not necessarily want to be skinner like women, but rather they want more muscle definition. As such, doctors will use contouring techniques instead of blanket removal. Similarly, men use liposuction to fix “man boobs” or gynecomastia.

During a typical liposuction procedure, the patient either receives general anesthesia that will put them to sleep or local anesthesia that numbs a specific area of the body. Once the patient is anesthetized, the doctor will begin removing fat cells from the body, typically through a suction-based apparatus, though there are many different kinds of liposuction. The surgery will usually take under three hours.

2. Facelift

Looking at your face in the mirror every morning, it becomes harder to ignore the bags under your eyes and wrinkles around your mouth. A facelift is the tightening of the muscles and skin in and around the face to give the appearance of smoother younger skin.

The technical term is a rhytidectomy or wrinkle removal and is often paired with blepharoplasty or an eyelift. There are many different types of facelifts, but they typically begin with an incision below the ear that extends up through the hairline. The skin is separated from the deeper facial tissue which is then tightened or removed in some cases. Then the skin is redraped and any excess skin can be removed. Finally, the incisions are closed with sutures or staples.

3. Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)

A nose by any other shape would smell just as sweet. Rhinoplasty is the cosmetic reshaping of your nose to change anything from the angle of the bridge to the size of the nostrils. Men typically want a nose that is straighter and sometimes they even ask surgeons to leave some imperfections so that their nose still looks masculine.

An open rhinoplasty procedure occurs when the surgeon makes their incision from the outside of the nose, while a closed rhinoplasty procedure takes place within the nose. Other than the incisions the rhinoplasty procedures are fairly similar, though a closed rhinoplasty will often result in less visible scarring.

4. Hair Transplant

Nobody likes going bald. Unfortunately, two out of three suffer from some amount of hair loss, and since hair loss is a genetic issue, there is not a lot that can be done to prevent it. Luckily, as technology improves hair transplants are becoming more popular procedures that work effectively, look good, and leave little scarring.

While there are many types of hair transplant procedures, surgery cannot help patients who suffer from total baldness, as the procedure requires healthy hair growth on the sides and back of the head. A follicular unit extraction involves taking hair follicles from the back of the head or other donor location and transplanting them into another area.

A single session of the hair transplant procedure could take up to eight hours and several sessions are required to reach hair fullness, with a few months of healing in between. In total, it may take several months to a few years for the surgery to be complete, but the effects will last a lifetime.

Plastic surgery is a common and effective way to address those things that make you self-conscious. Men deserve the freedom to pursue cosmetic surgery as a self-care option just as much as women use it. Review this guide as an introduction to plastic surgery and set yourself on the path to more confidence.